Friday, June 15, 2012

The No Waste Vegan Place has a new location!


We just moved to Oregon, and it has been amazing so far.  I am so excited to check out the farmer's markets (though most are only open on Saturdays... pooh!) and I live walking distance from an all-natural, mostly vegan, locally owned, mostly-locally supplied grocery store!  Today I bought local strawberries from Oregon and rhubarb from Washington (which isn't that far, right?) and I'm going to make a (you guessed it!) strawberry-rhubarb pie this afternoon.  The homemade pie crust is chilling in the fridge already!

From just our first week in Oregon, I already have a couple No Waste success stories to share (yay!), along with a No Waste fail. :( 

Let's start with the No Waste fail:  I baked a dozen vegan oatmeal chocolate chip muffins the other day, and the two of us couldn't eat all of them, so I put a couple muffins in a container and labeled it with our mailman's name and a note saying what they were and thanking him for delivering our mail.  But he didn't take them!  Maybe it's against policy, or he has a food allergy or something, but what a big, fat WOMP.  I felt like I was doing something nice by offering baked goods to someone instead of wasting them (and he could've left a note saying why he couldn't take them!), but c'est la vie.  We ended up eating the muffins ourselves, guilt-free, and they were DELICIOUS.  The mailman missed out!

Now, for two great No Waste successes:

Our neighbor is wonderful.  She's so nice - she's lent us gardening books, lets us use her gardening tools, and provides friendly conversation for us when we're lonely because we don't know anyone.  So I've taken to bringing her a few of our baked goods whenever I make them, and she is super grateful, and I love that even though I only know a couple people in this whole city, I can still share the food I can't finish myself!

An even cooler success story: my girlfriend was at work the other day and met a man who farms in his backyard.  He said he had a ton of lettuce in his garden, too much for him to eat himself, so out of the blue he gave some to her!  Isn't that great?  The only problem is - now we have way too much lettuce ourselves! 

Lettuce is seriously a repeat offender, as far as wasted vegetables go.
So I cut the bottom of the head of lettuce and stuck it upright in a container of water (really, this is the only way to keep your lettuce fresh- treat it like flowers!).  When it freshens up a little, I've got to figure out a way to use it all up.  I've heard you can throw it into stir-fries with all the rest of your veggies, but I can't think of "lettuce stir-fry" without imagining slimy cafeteria slop.

I'll keep y'all posted on how I figure out how to use up all our lettuce.  I'm thinking lettuce wraps?  Maybe we should just replace all bread/tortillas with lettuce wraps till we finish up the entire head - healthy AND eliminates waste!  I'll also give y'all a peek at the yummy strawberry-rhubarb pie once it's done!  I'm using a recipe from Vegan Pie in the Sky, as usual.

See you soon!